A decade ago, Mr Blair was prime minister of Britain and at the height of his powers, and Mr Hague was the leader of a struggling Tory party. 10年前,布莱尔是英国首相,处于权力生涯的最高峰,而黑格是陷入困境的保守党领袖。
The outgoing British prime minister, who is stepping down next month after 10 years in office, is still at the height of his powers and is a familiar figure on the world stage. 在执政10年之后,这位英国首相将于下个月卸任。他目前仍有很高的威望,而且是世界舞台上一个为人熟知的人物。
Ear length was the prime factor influencing hybrid yield, accompanied by coherent plant height effect on yield. 穗长是本研究杂交组合产量形成的首要因子,株高对玉米产量的影响也是通过增加穗长来实现的。